Sunday, 5 April 2015

Easter Feast(er)

The last couple of days of my life have been spent on trains (see Facebook for my live updates). This meant lots of reading, a surprising amount of work getting done, and a heck of a lot of patience. This weekend is my just reward: time with family, roast dinner and a chocolate cake.

This is the mother of Easter cakes. It's taken from Sarah Tuck's From The Kitchen, and she quite rightly describes it as "a big rich ole beast of a cake". I swapped in the hazelnut liqueur for Baileys (a great choice of party gift at a friend's 21st) but the rest is pretty similar. I squidged the leftover chocolate mousse filling into ramekins for pud with raspberries and cream. 
I must admit, this cake was a faff. It involves melting and freezing and whipping and chilling and quite a lot of waiting. But for a winner of a birthday cake on a day when you'd be home anyway, it's the best.